COMPLEX VARIABLE Series | 2015 | Photography, Fin art print on Hahnemühle fotorag | 130 x 150 cm
"Since the world drives to a delirious state of things,
we must drive to a delirious point of view."
Jean Baudrillard
The works of Teres Wydler deal with the broader concept of nature. At the centre of her work are the contact points of culture and nature and the provocative question of whether nature makes use of man and his culture - including his destructive interventions - in oder to evolve further.
Wydler realises her studies using various different techniques and media: photography, video, indoor and outdoor installations, multimedia and art&architecture.
Excerpt of her monography Pre Solar Post, 2014, D/E/I
Texts Dominique von Burg, Corinne Schatz, Elio Schenini, Tina Stolz
Edition für moderne Kunst Nürnberg
ISBN 9978-3-86984-8